The Channel Angle: Why The Right Cybersecurity Stack Can Prevent Killware

The Channel Angle: Why The Right Cybersecurity Stack Can Prevent Killware A person or bot cannot gain unauthorized access of a system if security is properly implemented and accurately enforced,’ writes Guillermo Vargas, CEO of IT consulting company WeCcode. Today, cybercrime is booming due to hackers using malware to hold companies’ information systems hostage, among […]
In Cyber Security, Sometimes, There Is No Metaphorical “Adidas To Nike” Analogy

In Cyber Security, Sometimes, There Is No Metaphorical “Adidas To Nike” Analogy With cyber crime notoriously growing, paying someone to install security software is not enough. We are finding vulnerabilities and weakness in systems that have expensive stacks with a large IT staff. For example, if an IT department of an organization decides to block […]
Security centralization builds confidence more than security

Security centralization builds confidence more than security All Network Security experts (or want to be experts) have heard of, and hopefully used, mesh environments. For example, Palo Alto, Cisco, Fortinet, and Sophos have a mesh. In addition, these organizations give certifications for knowing their respective technologies. More importantly, these security environments meet almost all security […]
Cyber Security

Cyber Security Welcome to WeCcode Cyber Security Blog. We will discuss the latest security trends, high risk environments, or any other cybersecurity related topic. Since many people have started working from home, WeCcode believes it is important to educate people and organizations in protecting their environments. The most important, and first, skill when it comes […]
Business Email Compromise (BEC)

Business email compromise (BEC) is a type of cybercrime that targets businesses. In a BEC scam, criminals send emails that appear to be from a legitimate source, such as a vendor or a customer. The emails often contain requests for money or sensitive information. If the victim falls for the scam, the criminals can steal […]
How safe is your ₿itcoin?

Whether one is investing, gambling, or collecting Bitcoin, one must secure it and ensure it is authentic. Many people worry about the value of Bitcoin but could not tell if their Bitcoins are real. Said people are more concerned about the value fluctuating. If Coinbase says ₿5, it must be ₿5, right? That is wrong. […]
Removing Spyware From Your Phone

Before we can begin, if your Android is rooted or your iPhone is jailbroken, revert them, or bring it to us because spyware on such custom ROMs can just be spyware. Moving forward, anyone using Android or iPhone needs to be aware of the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of their environment(s). For example, almost everyone using […]
Employers’ ignorance becomes black hats’ dream

People are working from home like never before. For the most part, offices are relatively empty, but all network/system security technologies are still in the office. What is more, many employees are accessing work resources from basic ISP modems/routers with default usernames and passwords. Most business owners and employees do not understand cyber security, so […]