Fulfillment Policies

At WeCcode, we make sure our services hold to the highest standards. If you are unsatisfied with our services, please contact us.


The time between the placement of the order and the beginning of performance can vary greatly as per project specifications and client requirements. Beginning of performance and the timeline for any deliverables will be clearly stated in any signed agreement. Please see your signed service agreement for details on the timeline for delivery of the specified service.


Since we don’t ship any boxed products we do not have a return policy. Please see refunds and cancellation for more information.


For monthly recurring clients: you can cancel your recurring services hassle free by providing a 30-day notice.

For new clients: cancellation terms and any applicable fees will be outlined in your service agreement. Cancellation after performance has started may only be possible under the conditions in the service agreement. Partial charges, expenses coverage and cancellation fees may apply.


Any applicable refund policies will be outlined in the service agreement. You may be eligible for a partial refund under the conditions specified in the service agreement. If your request for a refund is approved, you will receive confirmation as well as details on how the funds will be returned to you.

If you have any questions about the fulfillment policies on this page or on your service agreement, contact us.

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