BDR Architecture

If you have any questions on your current BDR architecture or need your BDR architecture to meet a certain compliance, please contact us

Backup and Disaster Recovery With WeCcode

Because nothing can prevent a disaster (hence the name), all organizations can do is prepare for one and ensure business continuity after/during the disaster. Inarguably, Backup and Disaster Recovery are essential to restoring a business’s information system(s) in a timely manner. Most organizations have backups of some level, but very few companies employ a flawless 3-2-1 Backup Rule. Such rule is a minimum requirement for proper backups in the security world. In short, the rule states that in order to safely backup files, there must be 3 copies of the file on 2 different media types, and 1 copy must be stored offsite. It is important to note that BDR includes two methodologies backup and recovery. Systems cannot be restored without hardware. For that reason, it is important to have hardware onsite or a contract with a company to restore hardware within 48 hours or less. Of course, companies must address the aforementioned concerns during Business Continuity policies/requirements. Moving forward, WeCcode believes that backup and recovery, although two methodologies, are inseparable. After all, a successful backup alert cannot be proven without hardware to restore the backup. Every day, businesses become more dependent on digital information systems. Hackers (black and white hats) have been aware of this since malware and social engineering have existed. Yet, there are business owners at all levels that still do not understand the need for BDR. Do not just take our word for it.

Obviously, disasters come in forms other than ransomware. However, no other disaster has been able to continue at a national and global level indefinitely. Furthermore, there are many more examples that have cost the United States more than the examples above, with the exception of the gas prices ransomware attack. To demystify ransomware, it is a program that in its most basic form, it batch encrypts files, folders, and/or anything the current user has write access to. Of course, antimalware protects, but it cannot restore without a backup. With that said, great antimalware can restore during a ransomware attack, but that is not considered a true backup.

If you have any questions on your current BDR architecture or need your BDR architecture to meet a certain compliance, please contact us below.

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BDR plan for organizations of all sizes

Backup, test, and restore while achieving business continuity is how your business will continue to operate.

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